It has been far, far too long since I updated my blog! In fact I realise just how long it has been when I came on to update it today. Due to the poor winter weather and the entering the latter stages of my pregnancy I hadn’t really done much in the way of photography and this of course had meant I didn’t have anything to update my site with.
Anyway as we entered 2011 we were looking forward to our new arrival and most of our time was spent trying to get the house sorted and ready. Then on Friday 25th February we had a bit of a shock when at 4.27pm I gave birth to a little boy weighing just 6lbs three weeks and two days before my due date. We named him Jack William and since he arrived life has been a complete whirlwind – 9 weeks have just flown past so quickly and only now are things starting to calm down a little bit.
I have to admit that when people said to me that once the baby arrives there would be no time for anything I never really believed them but it is true, the days go so quickly and trying to keep up with everything is difficult. Unfortunately this has meant my photographic excursions have had to take a back seat for the time being – I’ve missed the Spring flowers and the Bluebells this year but I am not that bothered as there will be other years to photograph them but I will never be able to recapture Jacks first year of his life.
The one thing I’ve made sure is that even if I can’t shoot anything else I will make sure I take as many pictures of Jack as possible and so my camera has still been kept busy getting photographs of our little man. Here are a few of my favourites so far…..
I hope that over time I will be able to get out and about with my camera a bit more but for now I am concentrating on being a mum and spending time with our gorgeous little boy, I will get him saying Canon before you know it!
Hopefully I will be back soon with some more stories of my photographic adventures but I just thought I’d let you all know I haven’t deserted you completely. Until then happy snapping!
Thanks for reading – comments always welcomed.
Anyway as we entered 2011 we were looking forward to our new arrival and most of our time was spent trying to get the house sorted and ready. Then on Friday 25th February we had a bit of a shock when at 4.27pm I gave birth to a little boy weighing just 6lbs three weeks and two days before my due date. We named him Jack William and since he arrived life has been a complete whirlwind – 9 weeks have just flown past so quickly and only now are things starting to calm down a little bit.
I have to admit that when people said to me that once the baby arrives there would be no time for anything I never really believed them but it is true, the days go so quickly and trying to keep up with everything is difficult. Unfortunately this has meant my photographic excursions have had to take a back seat for the time being – I’ve missed the Spring flowers and the Bluebells this year but I am not that bothered as there will be other years to photograph them but I will never be able to recapture Jacks first year of his life.
The one thing I’ve made sure is that even if I can’t shoot anything else I will make sure I take as many pictures of Jack as possible and so my camera has still been kept busy getting photographs of our little man. Here are a few of my favourites so far…..

Hopefully I will be back soon with some more stories of my photographic adventures but I just thought I’d let you all know I haven’t deserted you completely. Until then happy snapping!
Thanks for reading – comments always welcomed.