Tuesday 11 August 2009


This is my first post on my blog so if you are reading then thanks for stopping by.

Last week it was my birthday and I turned thirty five. I started thinking about where I am in my life and where I want to be by time I’m forty. I realised that as much as I have a great life with a fantastic husband, a great family and amazing friends I sometimes feel that I haven’t achieved much with my life so far and that I would like to use the next five years to change this.

Since buying my first SLR camera in February of this year my interest in photography has increased. When asked if there was anything I would like for my birthday by my husband some new equipment for my camera was on the top of my list. So as part of my presents I received some great accessories for using with my Canon 40d – a new memory card, remote shutter switch, cleaning kit and a variety of different filters. I am sure these items are going to come in very handy and I’m looking forward to testing them out.

I also decided to treat myself to a new lens using money received from my parents and opted for the Canon 55 – 250mm IS which arrived this morning. At the moment I have two lenses, the 17 -85mm IS lens which came with my camera which gives good results but sometimes the lack of zoom frustrates me somewhat and the 50mm 1.8 EF lens which I find is great for doing portraits. Later on this month I’m going on a photography outing to the Wildlife Heritage Foundation in Ashford to shoot big cats and I know that I really need a lens with better zoom to get the best pictures I can, this is one of my other reasons for purchasing the nifty two fifty. I’m determined to get some great shots while I’m there and hopefully having this lens will help.

My photography is definitely one of the things I would like to work on over the next few years. I have a few other things I’d like to do but at the moment they are simply ideas in my head rather than actual plans so for the time being I’m going to concentrate on my photography and see where that takes me. Tonight I’m going to start uploading a few images onto my site and working on my galleries so I should have something to show you all soon – hopefully you will be back to check them out.

That’s it for today – many thanks for reading. Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday!


  1. Good luck to you on your new blogging & photography adventures!

  2. About the fairground photography: The most important thing I can tell you is bring a friend! There are a lot of people milling about at fairs and it's hard to do long-exposures and protect your camera from being bumped at the same time.

    Settings: it's a surprisingly bright atmosphere, my long-exposures were only around 3-12 seconds. The shot that you like was taken @ f/6.7 for ~6 seconds, ISO 100.

    I'd keep your ISO as low as your camera can go and the f-stop 6.7 or even more stopped down...maybe until f/13? And then just experiment with exposure time to find the correct exposure!

    Also, I'd go with the 17-85mm kit lens- wide angle is nice for these shots. OR maybe the 50mm prime b/c it is very fast and your exposure will be shorter...

    Good Luck, hope that was of some help!

  3. Thank you very much for those tips!

    Hopefully we are off to the fair tonight so I will get to have a practice - if I manage to get any decent shots I will post them up. Fingers Crossed I managed to get something half decent :o)
