Thursday 13 August 2009

My First Published Photograph

I tend to use Flickr quite a lot as it is a good website for sharing your pictures with others. A few weeks ago I had a message from a website called Schmap via my Flickr account saying they had shortlisted one of my pictures and asking if I would be happy for it to be used in their online Leeds Guide.

Schmap is a website which publishes free travel guides for Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. They currently have 199 guides available on their website including individual city or island guides. All the guides are accessed on their website but can be printed using their downloadable software.

The request came from the Managing Editor, Emma Williams and it clearly stated that they offer no payment for publication; this of course always opens a can of worms with professional photographers. Whereas I looked at the request as a way to get more coverage for my photography a lot of other people have told me that you should never allow someone use of your image for free. However I am in no way a professional photographer, this is not my business but something that I see as an enjoyable hobby and just being approached for the use of my image is reward enough for me at this point in time, although in the future maybe I will reach a stage where I personally feel I can ask for a fee.

After a bit of consideration I decided to respond with a yes, after all there was no guarantee they would actually decide to use the picture anyway. I went away and had a very enjoyable weekend at a birthday BBQ for me put on by some friends and didn’t think anything more of it. When we returned home on Sunday I had received another message from Emma telling me that they were pleased to let me know that my picture had been included in their Leeds Guide – my first ever published photograph and hopefully not my last!

The photo was of a National Trust property called Nostell Priory in Wakefield which is where some friends of mine were thinking of getting married next year and is shown above. Not one of my best pictures in my opinion however I am very pleased to have been included in the guide and it was a really nice surprise to have been asked. It has also given me a bit more confidence and has spurred me on to learning how to really make the most of my camera and improve my pictures. To me at this point in time that is more important and rewarding than a monetary payment.

I’ve added some of my favourite photographs I have taken to the site - you will see these at the bottom of the page. If you would like to see a larger view of any of the images just click on them and it will take you through to my Flickr page. As always please feel free to leave me a comment if you wish, I like reading them either on here or on my Flickr images.

Over the weekend I am hoping to get out and about with my camera and take some shots I want to test out my new lens and get some practice before the big cats shoot next week.

Happy Thursday everybody!


  1. Sharon, I also had a photo requested by Schmap, and I thought it was really not one of my best shots at all. I allowed them to use it though.

    I really enjoy the composition of your shot, though, and it is a very interesting building...

  2. Sometimes just seeing your work published is payment enough. The feeling is so very exciting and encouraging, dont' you think? Congrats!

  3. Hi Sharon, Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving some comments. I had a photo published with Schmaps of a landmark in Queens,NY. I was very excited by the offer as well.


  4. Sharon, congrats on getting your first photo published. I like the picture as well, nice exposure balance with the front of the building shaded the way it was.
